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Trees and Wildlife

Posts based on the category shown above.

When is the bird nesting season?

    The ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England) and it is recommended that vegetation works (tree or hedge cutting) or site clearance should be done outside of the nesting season. However, in reality the nesting period may start before this and extend beyond it, in some [...]
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    What should I do to make sure that Bats are not affected by tree work?

      All British Bat species are protected by law and many bats roost in trees; although some bat species have adapted to living in buildings, trees still remain important throughout the year for most of the UK’s 16 species. Suitable trees are becoming fewer and further between as older and hollow trees, [...]
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      What birds are protected?

        There is often the misconception that some birds are exempt from protection i.e. feral pigeons, magpies, crows etc., but this is not the case: All wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) whilst they are actively nesting or roosting. It is also an offence to take [...]
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